Public debate prompted by exploration for oil and gas in Kavango by ReconAfrica
Organised by Namibian Environment and Wildlife Society (NEWS) and Environmental Assessment Professionals Association of Namibia (EAPAN)
Thursday 18 March 2021, 16h00. Streamed live on Namibian Sun facebook
1. Introduction: Peter Tarr representing NEWS and EAPAN
a) Explain that MEFT and Recon Africa were invited and have declined.
b) Namibia’s commitment to sustainable development as enshrined in the Constitution.
c) The importance of public debate in good governance, and the elephant in the room: what will this oil and gas exploration lead to?
d) Introduce the panelists
2. Geological background: Dr Roger Swart (BlackGold Geoscience cc)
a) Oil and gas in Namibia
b) What does exploration for oil and gas involve, with focus on terrestrial.
c) How are terrestrial oil and gas deposits exploited, explain “conventional” and “unconventional” methods.
d) What methods are likely to be involved for the Kavango deposit.
e) Opinion on the likelihood of that.
3. Environmental impacts: Piet Smit (Environmental Assessment Professionals Association of Namibia, EAPAN)
a) Environmental impacts of oil and gas mining.
b) Observations from fracking activities in USA.
c) Concerns raised in SA about fracking.
4. Wider environmental concerns: Dr Chris Brown (Namibian Chamber for Environment, NCE)
a) Environmental assessment process, and shortcomings of the Recon process.
b) Immediate environmental concerns.
c) Wider strategic considerations, threats to Namibia’s wildlife economy and the Okavango World Heritage Site, conflicts with Namibia’s Climate Change commitments.
5. Q & A session ~30 minutes
6. Concluding statement from NEWS